Here is a rare opportunity to watch the progress of the sale of a truly PREMIUM domain name.
Win $100 if you have the closest guess (without going over) as to what this domain name will sell for at end of auction!
If nothing else, you’ll get a glimpse into the real-time selling of an ultra-premium domain name.
My friend Ron Davies is the owner of (.ca is a Canadian domain) and he has listed it on
This domain is worth tens of thousands, and if the right people find it, I would not be surprised if it goes into six figures.
The auction started with just a $1 reserve, and as of this writing, is up to $655 with 32 bids, and there are 27 days left to the auction.
It’s not often that we get to watch such a huge sale in the making!
Here is the Flippa listing.
I thought it would be FUN to give my readers a chance to have a little contest.
Can YOU guess the final selling price of this domain? If you guess a price that is the closest to the actual winning selling price at the end of this auction, without going OVER the final price, you’ll win $100!
I convinced Ron to pay $100 to whoever, among my readers, would have the winning guess.
1) You MUST post your guess in a comment below.
2) You must enter your guess by September 20, midnight, EST.
3) The winning guess must be the closest to the actual selling price of this domain name without going over that price.
4) You may guess as often as you’d like, but ONLY your very last guess will count.
5) In the event of a tie, the FIRST one to guess the price based on the comment time stamp will be the winner.
6) The $100 prize will be paid via PayPal, by Ron Davies the owner of the domain name.
7) I reserve the right to eliminate any participant in this contest, for any reason I deem fit and necessary.
8) I reserve the right to END this contest if I feel it is necessary due to unforeseen circumstances, without a prize being given.
9) I reserve the right to amend these rules as I deem fit and necessary. Remember, this is all in good fun.
10) No purchase or bid necessary.
So what say you? How much do YOU think BEEF.CA will sell for?
(Please do not use this to post any links that are not directly related to this topic).
Saw this on flippa’s twitter feed. Could be interesting.
My guess:
75000 US Dollars
$147,367, give or take a farthing.
Canadian beef is good but cattlemen are cheap : ) so no more than 243,000.00
In my opinion, it should sell for about $12,000. A high bid in the vicinity of $20k would not surprise me, but my guess is $12k.
The current bid is so ridiculously low, I may bid on it, myself!
That’s exciting! Congratulations to Ron, I’m sure will be sold at a VERY high price!
14,202 $ US
I’m going to say $44,250.
My guess is 12,000.
US $13,500.
I guess $25,000 US.
Considering I live in beef territory here in Alberta, Canada if the cattle companies/beef companies in this province hear about it, the price could skyrocket though.
Will be interesting to see the outcome.
Hi Rhonda, if you are the one that brings the beef companies, I will reward your efforts generously
Well, considering the Buy It Now price is $125,000, that’s my guess.
I’ll be watching!
This should be interesting and fun. I am going to take a guess and say it sells for $87,250 US.
As a .com this one would be huge.
As a .ca probably still very good money – my guess $26,893 – Canadian!
Thanks for the opportunity. I’m going with $47,500
Okay, for the right buyer I can see it going for the BIN price of $125,000.
All the best Ron!
Hey Gene,
Great idea for a contest! My guess? The number that comes to mind is $80,000.
I’m going with $67,240. For now…
Well for some reason I have $37,650 in my head so that’s my entry
Probably get ridiculed, but….
1. Flippa is not for end users, only wholesalers. So without a valid website, they need to sell it for more than this to a cattlefarmer or beef company.
2. Restricted to Canadian Market. would go in excess of 50,000, but would not be as high in demand.
Ridiculed? No. It’s a very valid assessment. When it comes to a public auction like Flippa, which as you stated is mainly wholesale, anything can happen. The main question is whether or not the right eyeballs land on that listing.
Wishing Ron only the best for his sale.
With Estibot’s value of only $1100 and the actual bid price over $800 w/ 27 days left, it could be a feeding frenzy towards the end.
$87,900 USD
What ever the final outcome will be, it will be more than he paid for it and am sure he will be grateful! And THAT’S the name of the game!
Keep us posted!
I’m going with $29,700.
Just a number, we’ll see.
$195.000 is my guess
I’m going to say just about $3,000 because it is a .ca domain.
Although it could be worth more to a business in Canada. I always hear how the other domain extensions don’t get any respect for SEO from Google but this could be a new business of selling short domains in another market.
These are probably valuable in the country that uses these domains for their local market.
I don’t really know just guessing. This could be shot way out of the ballpark if contacted laser target prospects.
USD $ 59,650
USD $100,000
My guess is around $4,500 because I, like Mike, think the domain is a .ca one. I’ll be surprised if it sells for higher price, however I wish the seller good luck and a nice profit.
$8,900 USD.
Congratulations Dennis! Your guess was the closest to the final selling price, without going over. You win!
I don’t think it will reach the “buy now” price. The Canadian Beef Association ought to have a “beefy” ad budget. My guess is $44,000. USD
My absolute guess is $22,500. USD.

My guess – $17,050 USD
I’m thinking this name will go for around $44,000 but has the potential to go much higher. I wish you the best of luck in your sale!
Blake A. Worthington
Sorry make that $44,028 as another member guessed 44k already
I think it will go for $17,700 USD
I would say about $49,749. as the final price.
My 2 cents ;P sold for $150,000 back in the day, so I’ll guess that will sell for a smaller percentage of that price. I’ll go with $37,500 as the final selling price, but I’m sure that it could go higher if the deep pockets jump into the fray.
BTW, Gene, what is the best way to secure a good selling price for a domain? Auction? Contacting end user?
Well seeing that BIN is at $125,000 and the .com sold for $150,000
If its doesn’t sell at BIN then my guess would be between $75,000 and $100,000
But most likely someone will pick it up at BIN.
My guess is BIN $125,000
My guess will be around $15,000
My guess is $101,717
I’m going to go with $48,520 (just a wild guess) if it doesn’t get picked up at the BIN price.
Unless — of course — he withdraws the BIN price toward the end.
I’ll say $25,225.
I’ve just prepared beef for our evening meal lol
I will guess $95,000 USD
Good luck with the sale!
My guess is $5,700
I’m guessing $30,000 huh?
I will guess $142,001.
$141, every one is saying if the deep pockets get wind of it, it may jump up there.
$39,667 — good luck!
I am going to guess a final price of $23,500
Good luck Ron and Rick. I’ll guess the domain name goes for $92,500
Hi Ron, I considering $15,000 at the end of the auction anyway I’ll watch and see how it fares on Flippa.
See it’s reached Reserve and the Bidder is a first timer who’s bid 3 times for it – must be hungry for beef (sorry!) , so my guess is 17,200 US
Thank you all for your guesses, and good luck! Those that posted after the 20th, please be aware that the rules above state: “2) You must enter your guess by September 20, midnight, EST.” Your vote won’t count after the 20th, but it’s fun anyway
Think 8500 would be quite close.
Great domain but need those end users before the big prices will be realised.
Not really sure why the focus is on the number of letters this domain has. The focus should be on the generic keyword and the potential to build a brand round the generic keyword and cctld together.
Like trying to sell and saying its potential is due to the number of letters.
Best of luck
Shortness continues to be one of the most important criterion in domain name value, as demonstrated by the last 2500 sales of domains that are single word generic terms. The shorter ones that are actual words always out price the longer comparable term.
I agree it is in part about building a brand.
Tie that brand value to easy to remember, generic, major industry globally, and you have a killer formula.
Fair point Ron,
If you haven’t already it may be worth reaching out to the canadian bull semen companies
there is decent money in bull semen to ensure herds have solid genetic traits.
The price per straw of semen can be quite impressive.
Hey.. I know it’s too late to place guess for the final price – but a question… is this for CAD or US price.. lol . I’ll still guess and say $8750.01 US
US dollars
I think just ver 10,000 so i think it should be 10,200
Although if i were a beef dealer i would have taken this for anything the buyer would have asked for but neither i am a beef dealer nor i have got that much money ….. but in any case i think this site will be sold on around for $5500 or so
Congratulations to Dennis Becker! Dennis’ guess of $8,900 was the closest to the final selling price ($10,800), without going over. I will be in touch to arrange payment of your $100 prize. Couldn’t have happened to a better guy!