Domain Flipping

All the Good Domains are Taken?

Domain FlippingThis is one of the biggest lies on the internet. That statement is as ridiculous as telling someone who wants to be a real estate broker “All the good houses are already gone.”

Every single day, 70,000 to 80,000 domains expire and become available to register. Among them are HUNDREDS of very valuable domain names.

– People go out of business.
– People start projects and never follow through.
– People die.
– People lose interest.
– People have no idea their domains are of value.
– Domainers can’t afford to renew their portfolios.

I could list a hundred more reasons, but the point is, MANY, MANY premium domains are available to you *every*single*day*. You just need to educate yourself on what is in demand, and register the domains that fill that demand.

Is it easy? NO! It’s a royal pain to scour through 80,000 names on a daily basis. Is it worth it? Heck yeah!

I personally register many domains on a daily basis, for $10 and sell them for hundreds each. Some for thousands.

There are MORE premium domains available to you right now than you could ever take advantage of.

Every single day I feel like a kid in a candy warehouse. There are FAR more quality domain names available to me every single day than I could ever use. My efforts barely scratch the surface.

STOP the lie. Great domains will ALWAYS be readily available. In the 9 years I’ve been doing this full time, I have never had a single day where there wasn’t an over abundance of readily available premium domains.

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Exact Match Domains
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Premium Domain Names

Highest Value 4 Letter .CA Domain Ever Listed on Flippa!


    • Sharon
    • September 28, 2012

    I absolutely agree, Gene! But it benefits lots of other people to fool us into thinking otherwise. Keep up the good work!!

  1. Reply

    You are absolutely correct Gene!

    Even if there were ONLY 10,000 domains that became available, on a daily basis, there’s still those keyword rich ones that haven’t yet even been registered, or (researched) thought up.

    With the recent release of new TLD/extensions – man, the possibilities are nearly infinite!

    Be Well!
    ECS Dave (Owner of Site Flip O Matic) 😉

  2. Reply

    Ye it all stems from a “scarcity” mindset. Technology itself creates new domain demand everyday. Remember when nobody did webinars? Imagine scoring some hot .com names around the keyword webinar – there were so many available that these days sell for $5,000+.

    What technology that is budding today with domains galore available will be in demand in the near future for domaining profits? Bingo! 🙂

      • Gene
      • September 28, 2012

      Exactly Jason – there is new technology and new buzzwords being created every day. Always new and fresh registrations to be had, along with the multitude of drops.

  3. Reply

    Hi Gene!

    You’re totally right about what you’re saying… there’s no way ever we’re going to be “out of profitable domains” to register and sell.

    But truth be told… It’s better if our competition continue to think that way, LOL.

    By the way Gene, I’m a member of your Domain Cloud membership and the guys at Rapid Crush gave my your email to access the coaching by email you offered that day on the webinar.

    But so far I haven’t received a response from you =(

    Did you get my email?? Or you’re not offering the email coaching anymore…

    Thank you!


      • Gene
      • September 28, 2012

      Jorge – I replied to you on the 26th. Please check your spam filters 🙂

    • Yoki
    • September 28, 2012

    Hi Gene,

    Opportunities are endless in this field. The old saying, One man’s trash is another man’s treasure has never been more true with domain flipping.

    I’m very new to it all but got my first taste of quick success selling 2 domains last month to an end user. So imagine my delight when your program was shared via Jason F last week.

    I’m eager to get started but do have a question or two for you. I sent the first question via your contact form a few moments ago.

    Also, do you know if Estibot has any active coupon codes? I came across one but didn’t see anywhere for it to be applied during the check out process and their response via their website contact form has been very disappointing. If you are an affiliate and have a coupon code, I would like to purchase a subscription asap.


    • Gene
    • September 28, 2012

    Hi Yoki, I’ve been using Estibot for years, but have never seen a coupon code.

    • Frank
    • September 28, 2012

    I couldn ‘t agree more

    I register fresh domains nearly every day

    people die
    as a matter of fact

  4. Reply

    Hi Gene,

    This is so true Gene, I am coming across many great domains these days!
    I also wanted to thank you for all your help and support lately, much thanks.
    I look forward to the Power Of Local Domains starting .

    Thanks Gene

  5. Reply

    Which search engine do you use to check expired domains?

      • Gene
      • September 29, 2012

      I have multiple private sources, but here is a site that I set up and recommend using to find excellent expired domains:

      1. Reply


    • Adeel Akhter
    • January 21, 2013

    New to domain business. Reading stuff to figure out more and more. COuldnt found a place to introduce myself so thought to post here. Hope this post doesnt get deleted. First i had the intention to buy as many domaisn as possible and parked them but as far read, came to knw that parking is never a good source of income. So now working on figuring out right domaisn which i can sell for $100 or more and who know i get a jackpot of a domain which gets offer $100,000 :).

    Looking forward to read more from your side Gene. Seriously looking to earn some good money for my MBA expense. Regards

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